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Dev Server: CLI and Configuration

The dev server can be configured using CLI flags, or with a configuration file.

CLI flags

configstringwhere to read the config from
root-dirstringthe root directory to serve files from. Defaults to the current working directory
base-pathstringprefix to strip from requests URLs
openstringOpens the browser on app-index, root dir or a custom path
app-indexstringThe app's index.html file. When set, serves the index.html for non-file requests. Use this to enable SPA routing
preserve-symlinksbooleanpreserve symlinks when resolving imports
node-resolvebooleanresolve bare module imports
watchbooleanruns in watch mode, reloading on file changes
portnumberPort to bind the server to
hostnamestringHostname to bind the server to
esbuild-targetstring arrayJS language target to compile down to using esbuild. Recommended value is "auto", which compiles based on user-agent
debugbooleanwhether to log debug messages
helpbooleanList all possible commands


web-dev-server --open
web-dev-server --node-resolve
web-dev-server --node-resolve --watch
web-dev-server --node-resolve --watch --app-index demo/index.html
web-dev-server --node-resolve --watch --app-index demo/index.html --esbuild-target auto

You can also use the shorthand wds command:

wds --node-resolve --watch --app-index demo/index.html --esbuild-target auto

esbuild target

The --esbuild-target flag uses the @web/dev-server-esbuild plugin to compile JS to a compatible language version. Depending on what language features you are using and the browsers you are developing on, you may not need this flag.

If you need this flag, we recommend setting this to auto. This will compile based on user-agent, and skip work on modern browsers. Check the docs for all other possible options.

Configuration file

Web Dev Server looks for a configuration file in the current working directory called web-dev-server.config.

The file extension can be .js, .cjs or .mjs. A .js file will be loaded as an es module or common js module based on your version of node, and the package type of your project.

We recommend writing the configuration using node js es module syntax and using the .mjs file extension to make sure your config is always loaded correctly. All the examples in our documentation use es module syntax.

A config written as es module web-dev-server.config.mjs:

export default {
  open: true,
  nodeResolve: true,
  appIndex: 'demo/index.html'
  // in a monorepo you need to set the root dir to resolve modules
  rootDir: '../../',

A config written as commonjs web-dev-server.config.js:

module.exports = {
  open: true,
  nodeResolve: true,
  appIndex: 'demo/index.html'
  // in a monorepo you need to set the root dir to resolve modules
  rootDir: '../../',

A configuration file accepts most of the command line args camel-cased, with some extra options. These are the full type definitions:

import { Plugin, Middleware } from '@web/dev-server';

type MimeTypeMappings = Record<string, string>;

interface DevServerConfig {
  // whether to open the browser and/or the browser path to open on
  open?: 'string' | boolean;
  // index HTML to use for SPA routing / history API fallback
  appIndex?: string;
  // reload the brower on file changes.
  watch?: boolean;
  // resolve bare module imports
  nodeResolve?: boolean | RollupNodeResolveOptions;
  // JS language target to compile down to using esbuild. Recommended value is "auto", which compiles based on user agent.
  esbuildTarget?: string | string[];
  // preserve symlinks when resolve imports, instead of following
  // symlinks to their original files
  preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
  // the root directory to serve files from. this is useful in a monorepo
  // when executing commands from a package
  rootDir?: string;
  // prefix to strip from request urls
  basePath?: string;
   * Whether to log debug messages.
  debug?: boolean;

  // files to serve with a different mime type
  mimeTypes?: MimeTypeMappings;
  // middleware used by the server to modify requests/responses, for example to proxy
  // requests or rewrite urls
  middleware?: Middleware[];
  // plugins used by the server to serve or transform files
  plugins?: Plugin[];

  // configuration for the server
  protocol?: string;
  hostname?: string;
  port?: number;

  // whether to run the server with HTTP2
  http2?: boolean;
  // path to SSL key
  sslKey?: string;
  // path to SSL certificate
  sslCert?: string;

  // Whether to watch and rebuild served files.
  // Useful when you want more control over when files are build (e.g. when doing a test run using @web/test-runner).
  disableFileWatcher?: boolean;

Node resolve options

The --node-resolve flag uses @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to resolve module imports.

You can pass extra configuration using the nodeResolve option in the config:

export default {
  nodeResolve: {
    exportConditions: ['development'],