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Storybook Builder: Migration to Storybook 7

This guide explains how to migrate from @web/dev-server-storybook plugin (that used opinionated Storybook 6 bundle @web/storybook-prebuilt) to Storybook 7 and new @web/storybook-builder.

Most of the official migration guide for Storybook 7 applies to this migration too, with a few additions and exceptions. Please check the official guide, but before running the upgrade command read the sections below.

Prepare to run upgrade CLI

The Storybook CLI upgrade command is not aware of the @web/dev-server-storybook plugin and as a result it won't work by default. But with a simple workaround you can make it work.

First, install the old version of builder-vite and old Storybook 6 renderer for the technology you used in the old setup, e.g. for Web Components it will be:

npm install @storybook/builder-vite@0.4 @storybook/web-components@6 --save-dev

Then proceed with the upgrade script and follow it's interactive process:

npx storybook@latest upgrade

Then configure the builder and framework in the main Storybook configuration.

Uninstall old packages

npm uninstall @web/dev-server-storybook @web/storybook-prebuilt --save-dev

Install addons

The old Storybook 6 bundle @web/storybook-prebuilt came with a few preconfigured addons. In the new setup you'll need to install and configure them explicitly.

We recommend to install the following addons:

npm install @storybook/addon-essentials @storybook/addon-links --save-dev

Then register them in the Storybook main configuration file:

// .storybook/main.js

/** @type { import('@web/storybook-framework-web-components').StorybookConfig } */
const config = {
  addons: [

export default config;

Rename rollupConfig to rollupFinal

For consistency with other similar hooks in the Storybook ecosystem, including @web/storybook-builder's wdsFinal, the rollup hook was renamed to rollupFinal.

If you use rollupConfig, rename it to rollupFinal.

Change CLI commands

@web/dev-server-storybook was a plugin of @web/dev-server, therefore you used to run Storybook via @web/dev-server CLI.

With the introduction of builders in Storybook 7 this is no longer the case and you can make use of Storybook CLI.

Typically you'll use storybook dev and storybook build to start the dev server and create a static build for deployment.

So you need to update your NPM scripts accordingly:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "storybook:start": "storybook dev -p 6006",
    "storybook:build": "storybook build --output-dir demo-storybook",

Usage of ESM

Storybook 7 supports ES modules for configuration files, so we recommend using standard ESM syntax for imports and exports in .storybook/main.js and other configuration files.

Storybook specific configuration

The usage of web-dev-server.config.{mjs,cjs,js} file for Storybook specific configuration is not recommended. You should use this file for your project dev server.

If you have a Storybook specific configuration, move it to the wdsFinal hook instead.

Option "port"

The port configured in web-dev-server.config.{mjs,cjs,js} won't have any effect on the Storybook, because Storybook CLI runs it's own dev server.

To open Storybook dev server on a certain port use the Storybook CLI argument instead:

storybook dev -p XXXX

Option "open"

The open URL configured in web-dev-server.config.{mjs,cjs,js} won't have any effect on the Storybook, because it conflicts with the Storybook auto-open behavior.

To open a non-default URL do the following:

  • disable open in Storybook CLI, e.g. storybook dev -p XXXX --no-open
  • configure open in wdsFinal hook