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Browser Launchers: Sauce Labs

Browser launchers for web test runner to run tests remotely on Sauce Labs.

For modern browsers, we recommend using other browser launchers, as they are a lot faster. Sauce Labs is a good option for testing on older browser versions.


Install the package:

npm i --save-dev @web/test-runner-saucelabs

Add the browser launcher to your web-test-runner.confg.mjs. To set up a local proxy to sauce labs, you first need to create the browser launcher which will share a common connection between all browsers:

import { createSauceLabsLauncher } from '@web/test-runner-saucelabs';

const sauceLabsCapabilities = {
  name: 'my test name',
  // if you are running tests in a CI, the build id might be available as an
  // environment variable. this is useful for identifying test runs
  // this is for example the name for github actions
  build: `my project ${process.env.GITHUB_REF ?? 'local'} build ${
    process.env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER ?? ''

// configure the local Sauce Labs proxy, use the returned function to define the
// browsers to test
const sauceLabsLauncher = createSauceLabsLauncher(
    // your username and key for Sauce Labs, you can get this from your Sauce Labs account
    // it's recommended to store these as environment variables
    user: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME,
    key: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY,
    // the Sauce Labs datacenter to run your tests on, defaults to 'us-west-1'
    // region: 'eu-central-1',

export default {
  // how many browsers to run concurrently in Sauce Labs. increasing this significantly
  // reduces testing time, but your subscription might limit concurrent connections
  concurrentBrowsers: 2,
  // amount of test files to execute concurrently in a browser. the default value is based
  // on amount of available CPUs locally which is irrelevant when testing remotely
  concurrency: 6,
  browsers: [
    // create a browser launcher per browser you want to test
    // you can get the browser capabilities from the Sauce Labs website
      browserName: 'chrome',
      browserVersion: 'latest',
      platformName: 'Windows 10',

      browserName: 'safari',
      browserVersion: '11.1',
      platformName: 'macOS 10.13',

      browserName: 'internet explorer',
      browserVersion: '11.0',
      platformName: 'Windows 7',

      browserName: 'iphone',
      platform: 'iPhone X Simulator',
      version: '13.0',



The createSauceLabsLauncher takes three properties: sauceLabsOptions, sauceLabsCapabilities and sauceConnectOptions. These correspond to the configuration of the Sauce Labs library.

sauceLabsOptions are options to instantiate the sauce labs library. The user and key properties are required for the browser launchers to work. Another common option to set is the region property.

sauceLabsCapabilities are options to annotate your tests, enable and disable Sauce Labs test features etc.

sauceConnectOptions are options to set up the sauce connect local proxy. You probably don't need to change this.

const sauceLabsOptions = {
  user: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME,
  key: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY,
  // region: 'eu-central-1',

const sauceLabsCapabilities = {
  name: 'my test name',
  build: `my project ${process.env.GITHUB_REF ?? 'local'} build ${
    process.env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER ?? ''
  recordScreenshots: false,
  recordVideo: false,

const sauceConnectOptions = {
  // logger: msg => console.log(msg),

const sauceLabsLauncher = createSauceLabsLauncher(

Webdriver Capabilities

capabilities are the webdriver capabilities used to configure the browser to launch in Sauce Labs. You can generate most of these on the Sauce Labs website.

It is possible to override the Sauce Labs capabilities using a sauce:options property. This must contain the name and build properties to identify the test runs. Note, the following only works for browser supporting W3C Webdriver protocol, but not the legacy JSON Wire Protocol.

export default {
  browsers: [
      'sauce:options': {
        name: 'my test name',
        build: `my project ${process.env.GITHUB_REF ?? 'local'} build ${
          process.env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER ?? ''
      browserName: 'chrome',
      browserVersion: 'latest',
      platformName: 'Windows 10',

JWP Capabilities

W3C webdriver capabilities are not yet fully implemented for Sauce Labs simulators. If you need to run the tests on iPhone Simulator, you need to use JWP capabilities.

The following steps are required to use JWP capabilities with Sauce Labs launcher:

  • Use version instead of browserVersion,
  • Do not set a sauce:options property.
export default {
  browsers: [
      browserName: 'iphone',
      platform: 'iPhone X Simulator',
      version: '13.0',