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Writing Plugins: Overview

Plugins are objects with lifecycle hooks called by the dev server or test runner as it serves files to the browser. They can be used to serve virtual files, transform files, or resolve module imports.

Plugins share a similar API to rollup plugins. In fact, you can reuse rollup plugins in the dev server. See the Rollup section for that, and the examples section for practical use cases.

A plugin is an object that you add to the plugins array in your configuration file. You can add an object directly, or create one from a function somewhere:

In your web-dev-server.config.mjs or web-test-runner.config.mjs:

import awesomePlugin from 'awesome-plugin';

export default {
  plugins: [
    // use a plugin
    awesomePlugin({ someOption: 'someProperty' }),
    // create an inline plugin
      name: 'my-plugin',
      transform(context) {
        if (context.response.is('html')) {
          return { body: context.body.replace(/<base href=".*">/, '<base href="/foo/">') };

This is the full type interface for all options:

import { FSWatcher } from 'chokidar';
import Koa, { Context } from 'koa';
import { Server } from 'net';

import { DevServerCoreConfig, Logger, WebSocketsManager } from '@web/dev-server-core';

export type ServeResult =
  | void
  | string
  | { body: string; type?: string; headers?: Record<string, string> };
export type TransformResult =
  | void
  | string
  | { body?: string; headers?: Record<string, string>; transformCache?: boolean };
export type ResolveResult = void | string | { id?: string };
export type ResolveMimeTypeResult = void | string | { type?: string };

export interface ServerArgs {
  config: DevServerCoreConfig;
  app: Koa;
  server: Server;
  fileWatcher: FSWatcher;
  logger: Logger;
  webSockets?: WebSocketsManager;

export interface Plugin {
  name: string;
  injectWebSocket?: boolean;
  serverStart?(args: ServerArgs): void | Promise<void>;
  serverStop?(): void | Promise<void>;
  serve?(context: Context): ServeResult | Promise<ServeResult>;
  transform?(context: Context): TransformResult | Promise<TransformResult>;
  transformCacheKey?(context: Context): string | undefined | Promise<string> | Promise<undefined>;
  resolveImport?(args: {
    source: string;
    context: Context;
    code?: string;
    column?: number;
    line?: number;
  }): ResolveResult | Promise<ResolveResult>;
  transformImport?(args: {
    source: string;
    context: Context;
    code?: string;
    column?: number;
    line?: number;
  }): ResolveResult | Promise<ResolveResult>;
  resolveMimeType?(context: Context): ResolveMimeTypeResult | Promise<ResolveMimeTypeResult>;