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Storybook Builder: Configuration

@web/storybook-builder aims at compatibility with standard Storybook features, e.g. configuration of preview (.storybook/preview.js), official addons, etc. You can follow the official Storybook docs for the general setup and configuration options.

This documentation is written with Web Components and @web/storybook-framework-web-components in mind. Information about supported frameworks can be found here.

You can use the storybook init CLI command with interactive setup. Choose Web Components and any builder when asked by the CLI.

When you finish the setup you'll have a standard Storybook folder with configuration files (.storybook by default) containing at least main.js.

Configuring builder and framework

Set the type and framework in main.js:

  • set the config type to import('@web/storybook-framework-web-components').StorybookConfig
  • set the framework.name to '@web/storybook-framework-web-components'
// .storybook/main.js

/** @type { import('@web/storybook-framework-web-components').StorybookConfig } */
const config = {
  framework: {
    name: '@web/storybook-framework-web-components',

export default config;

Configuring dev server

The builder implements a backend for the storybook dev CLI command and comes with a default @web/dev-server configuration which adheres to browser standards and supports official addons of the Storybook ecosystem.

@web/dev-server configuration file

When Storybook is loaded, the builder's default @web/dev-server config gets automatically merged with the project's configuration file (web-dev-server.config.{mjs,cjs,js}) if present. This is needed to ensure that the same configuration is used for application, feature or design system you are building.

Option framework.options.builder.wdsConfigPath

You can configure a different path to the configuration file using framework.options.builder.wdsConfigPath, relative to CWD:

// .storybook/main.js

/** @type { import('@web/storybook-framework-web-components').StorybookConfig } */
const config = {
  framework: {
    name: '@web/storybook-framework-web-components',
    options: {
      builder: {
        wdsConfigPath: 'storybook-wds.config.mjs',

export default config;

Option wdsFinal

Sometimes you might need to add Storybook specific configuration for the dev server, you can use the wdsFinal option for this:

// .storybook/main.js

/** @type { import('@web/storybook-framework-web-components').StorybookConfig } */
const config = {
  framework: {
    name: '@web/storybook-framework-web-components',
  async wdsFinal(config) {
    // add Storybook specific configuration for `@web/dev-server`
    // e.g. "open" to go to a custom URL in the browser when server has started
    config.open = '/custom-path';
    return config;

export default config;

The config parameter is a @web/dev-server config, you can use this to customize your @web/dev-server options and plugins.

When using rollup plugins make sure to convert them to @web/dev-server ones.

Configuring static build

The builder implements a backend for the storybook build CLI command and comes with a default rollup configuration which adheres to browser standards and supports official addons of the Storybook ecosystem.

Option rollupFinal

Sometimes you might need to add some extra configuration for the static build, you can use the rollupFinal option for this:

// .storybook/main.js
import polyfillsLoader from '@web/rollup-plugin-polyfills-loader';

/** @type { import('@web/storybook-framework-web-components').StorybookConfig } */
const config = {
  framework: {
    name: '@web/storybook-framework-web-components',
  async rollupFinal(config) {
    // add extra configuration for rollup
    // e.g. a new plugin
      polyfills: {
        esModuleShims: true,
    return config;

export default config;

The config parameter is a rollup config, you can use this to customize your rollup options and plugins.