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Test Runner: CLI and Configuration

The test runner can be configured using CLI flags, or with a configuration file.

CLI flags

filesstring|string[]test files glob patterns.
root-dirstringRoot directory to serve files from.
watchbooleanruns in watch mode
coveragebooleanwhether to analyze code coverage
concurrent-browsersnumberamount of browsers to run concurrently. defaults to 2
concurrencynumberamount of test files to run concurrently. default to CPU cores divided by 2
configstringwhere to read the config from
static-loggingbooleanDisables rendering a progress bar dynamically to the terminal.
manualbooleanStarts test runner in manual testing mode. Ignores browsers option and prints manual testing URL.
openbooleanOpens browser for manual testing. Requires the manual option to be set.
portnumberPort to bind the server on.
groupsstringpattern of where to read test group config files from
groupstringruns tests only for the test group with this name
preserve-symlinksbooleanpreserve symlinks when resolving imports
puppeteerbooleanwhether to run tests with @web/test-runner-puppeteer
playwrightbooleanwhether to run tests with @web/test-runner-playwright
browsersstring arrayif playwright is set, specifies which browsers to run tests on. chromium, firefox or webkit
node-resolvebooleanResolve bare module imports using node resolution.
update-snapshotsbooleanupdates snapshots stored on disk
esbuild-targetstring arrayJS language target to compile down to using esbuild. Recommended value is "auto", which compiles based on user-agent.
debugbooleanwhether to print debug messages
helpbooleanPrint help commands.


web-test-runner test/**/*.test.js --node-resolve
web-test-runner test/**/*.test.js --node-resolve --watch
web-test-runner test/**/*.test.js --node-resolve --coverage
web-test-runner test/**/*.test.js --node-resolve --playwright --browsers chromium firefox webkit
web-test-runner test/**/*.test.js --node-resolve --esbuild-target auto

You can also use the shorthand wtr command:

wtr test/**/*.test.js --node-resolve --esbuild-target auto

esbuild target

The --esbuild-target flag uses the @web/dev-server-esbuild plugin to compile JS to a compatible language version. Depending on what language features you are using and the browsers you are testing on, you may not need this flag.

If you need this flag, we recommend setting this to auto. This will compile based on user-agent, and skip work on modern browsers. Check the docs for all other possible options.

Configuration file

Web test runner looks for a configuration file in the current working directory called web-test-runner.config.

The file extension can be .js, .cjs or .mjs. A .js file will be loaded as an es module or common js module based on your version of node, and the package type of your project.

We recommend writing the configuration using node js es module syntax and using the .mjs file extension to make sure your config is always loaded correctly. All the examples in our documentation use es module syntax.

A config written as es module web-test-runner.config.mjs:

export default {
  concurrency: 10,
  nodeResolve: true,
  watch: true,
  // in a monorepo you need to set set the root dir to resolve modules
  rootDir: '../../',

A config written as commonjs web-test-runner.config.js:

module.exports = {
  concurrency: 10,
  nodeResolve: true,
  watch: true,
  // in a monorepo you need to set set the root dir to resolve modules
  rootDir: '../../',

A configuration file accepts most of the command line args camel-cased, with some extra options. These are the full type definitions:

import { Plugin, Middleware } from '@web/dev-server';
import { ReportType } from 'istanbul-reports';

interface TestFramework {
  path: string;
  config?: unknown;

interface CoverageThresholdConfig {
  statements: number;
  branches: number;
  functions: number;
  lines: number;

interface CoverageConfig {
  include?: string[];
  exclude?: string[];
  threshold?: CoverageThresholdConfig;
  report: boolean;
  reportDir: string;
  reporters?: ReportType[];

type MimeTypeMappings = Record<string, string>;

interface TestRunnerGroupConfig {
  // the name of the test group, this is used for reporting and to run only
  // a specific group using the --group flag
  name: string;
  // globs of files to test in this group, if unset it will be inherited from the main config
  files?: string | string[];
  // browsers to test in this group, if unset it will be inherited from the main config
  browsers?: BrowserLauncher[];
  // HTML used for running HTML tests for this group
  testRunnerHtml?: (
    testRunnerImport: string,
    config: TestRunnerCoreConfig,
    group: TestRunnerGroupConfig,
  ) => string;

interface TestRunnerConfig {
  // globs of files to test
  files: string | string[];
  // test group configs, can be an array of configs or a string or string array of glob patterns
  // which specify where to find the configs
  groups?: string | string[] | TestRunnerGroupConfig[];
  // amount of browsers to run in parallel
  concurrentBrowsers?: number;
  // amount of test files to run in parallel
  concurrency?: number;
  // run in watch mode, reloading when files change
  watch?: boolean;
  // resolve bare module imports
  nodeResolve?: boolean | RollupNodeResolveOptions;
  // preserve symlinks when resolving bare module imports
  preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
  // JS language target to compile down to using esbuild. Recommended value is "auto", which compiles based on user agent.
  esbuildTarget?: string | string[];
  // preserve symlinks when resolve imports, instead of following
  // symlinks to their original files
  preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
  // the root directory to serve files from. this is useful in a monorepo
  // when executing commands from a package
  rootDir?: string;

  // the test framework to run tests in the browser
  testFramework?: TestFramework;
  // HTML used for running HTML tests
  testRunnerHtml?: (testRunnerImport: string, config: TestRunnerCoreConfig) => string;
  // browsers to run tests in
  browsers?: BrowserLauncher | BrowserLauncher[];
  // server which serves files and responds to browser requests
  server?: Server;
  // reporters for posting results and progress to the terminal and/or file system
  reporters?: Reporter[];

  // files to serve with a different mime type
  mimeTypes?: MimeTypeMappings;
  // middleware used by the server to modify requests/responses, for example to proxy
  // requests or rewrite urls
  middleware?: Middleware[];
  // plugins used by the server to serve or transform files
  plugins?: Plugin[];

  // configuration for the server
  protocol?: string;
  hostname?: string;
  port?: number;

  // whether to track browser logs and print them in the node terminal
  // defaults to true
  browserLogs?: boolean;
  // function filter browser logs, receives the log type such as 'info', 'warn' or 'error'
  // and the arguments passed to the console log function return true to include and false to exclude
  filterBrowserLogs?: (log: { type: string; args: any[] }) => boolean;
  // run code coverage
  coverage?: boolean;
  // configuration for code coverage
  coverageConfig?: CoverageConfig;

  /** Starts test runner in manual testing mode. Ignores browsers option and prints manual testing URL. */
  manual?: boolean;
  /** Opens browser for manual testing. Requires the manual option to be set. */
  open?: boolean;

  // how long a browser can take to start up before failing. defaults to 30000 (30 sec)
  browserStartTimeout?: number;
  // how long a test file can take to load. defaults to 20000 (20 sec)
  testsStartTimeout?: number;
  // how long a test file can take to finish. defaults to 120000 (2 min)
  testsFinishTimeout?: number;

Excluding files

Use a negated glob pattern to exclude test files

export default {
  files: [
    '**/*.spec.ts', // include `.spec.ts` files
    '!**/*.e2e.spec.ts', // exclude `.e2e.spec.ts` files
    '!**/node_modules/**/*', // exclude any node modules

Test runner HTML

The testRunnerHtml option allows configuring the HTML environment to run your tests in. It receives the import path of the test framework, this should be imported or loaded as a module script to load the test code.

For example to expose the global process variable:

export default {
  testRunnerHtml: testFramework =>
        <script>window.process = { env: { NODE_ENV: "development" } }</script>
        <script type="module" src="${testFramework}"></script>

Test groups

In the main config

It's possible to create groups of tests with different configurations. A group can be created directly in the main config:

export default {
  files: 'test/**/*.test.js',
  groups: [
      name: 'package-a',
      files: 'packages/a/test/**/*.test.js',
      name: 'package-b',
      files: 'packages/b/test/**/*.test.js',

A group will inherit all options from the parent config unless they are overwritten. Not all options can be overwritten, see the config types which options are available.

When running tests regularly, the tests from regular config and the groups will be run. You can run only the tests of a test group by using the --group flag. For example web-test-runner --group package-a.

Default group

When the files option is specified on the top-level config, a default test group is created default. You can run only this group with the --group default flag.

Leave the top-level files option empty to avoid creating a default group.

Using separate file

Test groups can also be created in separate files using a glob pattern:

Using the CLI:

wtr --groups "test/**/*.config.mjs"

Using a config:

export default {
  groups: 'test/**/*.config.mjs',

This test group config should have a default export with the configuration for that group.


Run only some tests on a specific browser

import { playwrightLauncher } from '@web/test-runner-playwright';

export default {
  groups: [
      name: 'chromium-webkit',
      files: 'test/all/**/*.test.js',
      browsers: [
        playwrightLauncher({ product: 'chromium' }),
        playwrightLauncher({ product: 'webkit' }),
      name: 'firefox-only',
      files: 'test/firefox-only/**/*.test.js',
      browsers: [playwrightLauncher({ product: 'firefox' })],

Customize HTML environment per test group

import { playwrightLauncher } from '@web/test-runner-playwright';

export default {
  files: 'test/**/*.test.js',
  browsers: [
    playwrightLauncher({ product: 'chromium' }),
    playwrightLauncher({ product: 'webkit' }),
    playwrightLauncher({ product: 'firefox' }),
  groups: [
      name: 'polyfills-a',
      testRunnerHtml: testFramework =>
            <script src="./polyfills-a.js"></script>
            <script type="module" src="${testFramework}"></script>
      name: 'polyfills-b',
      testRunnerHtml: testFramework =>
            <script src="./polyfills-b.js"></script>
            <script type="module" src="${testFramework}"></script>

Group per package

Group tests by package, so that you can easily run tests only for a single package using the --group flag.

import fs from 'fs';

const packages = fs
  .filter(dir => fs.statSync(`packages/${dir}`).isDirectory());

export default {
  groups: packages.map(pkg => ({
    name: pkg,
    files: `packages/${pkg}/test/**/*.test.js`,